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​Nature is the finest Artist in the world. It creates with its acute precision and phenomenal sense of colours, proportion, music and visuals. It knows exactly where to put, what to put & how much to put. And there lies the invaluable recipe of creating beauty that is pure and profound. The sheer sense of balance and harmony is maintained everywhere in all of its creation.
As an artist, I always try to keep myself engrossed in the close observation of nature since there is so much to learn from it. As I take deep interest in the visuals of woods, seas, and the composition of birds, wild lives, underwater creatures and obviously its one of the most brilliant creations, the Human Figures. 
        I believe, for a creative person, rather a worshipper of nature, political boundaries should never act as the agents of restriction and constraint. I feel I am the the citizen of the World of Art, the World of Dreams...

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